Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Input, please

I am nearing the end of my first 40 Days, and I'm thinking about changing things up a little. Maybe adding some reasonable weekend mods, changing a few of the habits... adding a couple new ones, something to keep it interesting.

These are the originals, and if I did all 6, I got a "superstar", worth 2 points:
1. Up by 7am
2. Exercise
3. 8 Glasses of Water
4. Under 1600 Calories
5. Floss
6. In bed by 10:30

Surprisingly, I've been most successful with exercise and flossing, the two habits that have been hardest for me in the past. And I modified the weekends by giving myself a star if I stayed up late, but still managed to get up by 7 the next morning. Or if I went over SLIGHTLY on calories, but didn't just give up and eat whatever I wanted to.

Now, in the spirit of vulnerability and collaboration, I'm asking for your help. Maybe you have things that you have personally wanted to do, but have found it daunting. Or maybe it's just something that is good advice to anyone. Give it to me, and maybe I can try it on for 40 days.


1 comment:

  1. Two things come to mind.
    No IN-N-Out. That would be hard.
    The second, no candy/brownies/sweets.
    That is also hard.
    I made the mistake of making myself a chart of cleaning chores. The problem was, days/weeks would go by and I wouldn't check off very many things . . . then I realized really how long it had been since I cleaned a particular thing. It was a wake up call for me. Have I changed? No, but at least I am thinking about it. Can I just have a maid?
